Monday, April 20, 2015

Pleats x Tunic

I went to the mall this weekend, trying to find a swim suit and dress for Vegas. I ended up getting a few items on sale that has nothing to do with Vegas. The other half of the items I have to take back because they don't fit right.

The mall was suffocated with hippie attire for the Coachella trend and overpriced basics. It was quite depressing to see almost the same thing in every store.

The only store that stood out was Zara, but they don't have much Vegas attire in there. They did have a sale that I benefited from and can't wait to capture.

My friend reminded me of a few dresses I bought during my clubbing days. So I reached in the back of my closet for a few freakem dresses (in my Beyonce voice). They fit great...*kanye shrug*.

This dress however cost me $7. Not sure if it is a dress or tunic, but I am treating it like a dress. A new favorite.

I fell in love with the silk pleats and side inserts. The inserts and pleats are very light weight and a bit see through.

The shoes I found for only $18 at Nordstroms Rack and I love them! I haven't seen any like them yet. I forgot to write the name of the brand down, so I will update you with the brand when I get home tonight.

Of course I found this at Goodwill. I felt it was a Fall/Winter look because of the fabric. Since the sleeves are 3/4, I made an exception. Sexed it up a little with the heels and accessories.

Dress: Goodwill; Shoes & Clutch: Nordstrom's Rack; Earrings: Betsy Johnson; Sunglasses: Dior

I also bought the clutch at Nordstrom's Rack for $5. It is a snakeskin texture with silver chains around the sides. I will also update on the brand of the clutch later.

The only thing I don't like about this dress is the neckline. I with it was lower or higher, seems to be in a awkward position.

What do you think of the look?


  1. Looove those shoes!!
    Those are fire honey!!

  2. I love the whole look. I think it's grown woman sexy. - the neckline is ok, I think, maybe a bold necklace. I must be sleeping on Nordstrom Rack because I can barely find anything I like when I go there.

    1. Thank you!! Girl I have to dig deep and make several trips sometimes at Nordstrom's Rack, I guess you have to be patient lol
