Friday, December 25, 2015

Fringe x XMAS x Trap House 2

I've been sleeping, I've been, seriously I have been sleeping a lot lately these days. This year has flown by so fast, that I feel like the last two months was made for rest. I haven't been going out much or traveling, except my Chicago trip. Not even to Cali.
I am literally in bed typing this at 2:41AM Christmas Eve. I wrapped some gifts for the boys and eating fruit snacks. I was originally going to post this look on Wednesday, but I wanted you to be able to have something new to look at, while you sit around waiting for food on your granny couch.

Let's talk about gifts for a second. I purchased my boys pre-paid T-Mobile cell phones, since they always hoover over my shit asking "Can I play a game or watch a 3 hour movie?". This happens err the house, car, grocery store. My data usage is 28427483640GB lol.
But it made me think about how old I was when I got my first cell phone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sequins x December Challenge

Hey all! I know it has been two weeks since I last posted anything, but it was the Holidays and I treated it as such. Spending time with family and slightly cup caking the past few weeks. Enough to bake a wedding cake. My photographer and I were also playing phone tag over the holidays. Since I said I will only post quality from now on, I patiently waited. 

I am excited for December because I collaborated with several other bloggers for a December Style Challenge. Each week there is a theme and we post our version of the theme on Wednesdays. 


Monday, December 7, 2015

Dior x Public Desire

Yo, Public Desire is showing out. I know it has been two weeks since my last post, but you will learn why on Wednesday. In the mean time, Public Desire has now become my top 5 online shoe stores. 

Ever since Dior debuted their patent leather boots with chunky perspex heel, I have been drooling. I knew I couldn't and would never spend the money for such artwork. It was just going to be that one heel that stayed on my wish list. 

Until now bih!