Wednesday, July 2, 2014


 Over the weekend I had a pre birthday celebration with my closest friends and family in Phoenix, before heading to Cali. I planned to have a nice fancy dinner like I normally do for celebrations, but at the last minute I changed my mind and decided to go rogue. I wanted to be loud, casual, and do something more normal. 

I chose to have my dinner at Lolo's Chicken and Waffles. This is one of my favorite places to eat in Phoenix, AZ. My friends and I go there to eat quite often and I always drag people visiting from out of town there. The location and atmosphere are amazing, the food is even better. The desert menu is grand and the drinks were tasty. I also found out just how strong their drinks were, but that is another story.

I wore something very casual, since my original birthday dress is covered in sequins, yet tried to dress up without overdressing for Chicken and Waffles. I grabbed my WuTang shirt, chopped off the sleeves, and threw on a midi skirt. It is definitely something I made up on the fly. Some people loved it, others hated it. But fashion is all about risk and I am a risk taker.

What kind of person hates WuTang?

Shirt and Purse: Target; Skirt: Express; Flannel: Similar Here; Shoes D.I.Y.

Thankfully I brought my sun glasses to cover the shame of the many Mimosas and Margaritas I had before the pics. The heels I am wearing I created on the fly as well, I will post my D.I.Y later in the week. I am counting down the days to the Fourth and more celebrations in the next week. 

What do you think of the look?

Photo Cred: Laura...a nice person

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