Monday, July 14, 2014

Life - Carpe Diem

Are you living life or just existing? In my last post I shared a few pics of my mini vacation. I lounged around, took a nap, ate, and then got dressed up to sip some mimosas by the pool. This might seem boring to a few, but I wanted to do what makes me the happiest. I ate a lot of different foods I normally don’t eat, had the bartender surprise me with his idea of the best drink, took several naps, went to resort alone the first night, stayed outdoors (which resulted in several mosquito bites), meditated, and had a few spontaneous moments.

I asked if you are living life or just existing because I know a lot of people who do the same things every day, every weekend, and every hour, while the best moments in their life slip by. I wasn't able to do exactly what I wanted to do for my birthday, but I made the best of it by creating the moments with what I had. A lot of people make up excuses for things they can't do, places they can’t go, or their true dreams. I also know a lot of workaholics that work themselves right to the grave. 

I know how short life can be first hand when I lost my 13 year old brother at the age of eight. I know that memories in my mind are the only things I can hold on to of him. The only thing money cannot buy. Technically the past doesn't exist and the future is what we create in our minds. The present is the only thing that matters. The memories are the only things we can make and the best gift to give. 

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. So think back this time last week. Did you do anything to make you happy? Did you do anything that will make you remember the day? Do you even know what you ate or what plans you had that day? Now think about two weeks from today. Did you do the exact same thing? What are you doing in your life to live? What changes are you making in your life to be able to enjoy it? Are you living your life to the fullest? 

I don't want to sound like a life coach here, but in my recent years I have experienced the depressing same shit different day routine of life. Since I started the blog it has forced me to do things I wouldn't do or always say "next time". I used to be more spontaneous, have less fears, do things alone, and have fun. Now I am coming back to that way of living by going to events and traveling more, even alone. I have tried not to over think, stop controlling things I can't control, and going to different places. I have met a lot of new people and got rid of a few people. This has made me realize the time I have wasted, just existing in life, instead of living it.

I also had a weak moment over the weekend comparing myself to other bloggers, their success, and how they made it look so easy. But I had to force myself to get back to reality. By comparing myself to them, I quickly forgot how successful I have already been and I that I just started six months ago. The features I have had, the traffic I get, the support behind me. That quick our minds can make us forget about our personal success and create personal failure. Social media also makes it harder for us to have self-confidence, with people sharing the surface of their life or creating one that doesn't exist. It is thrown in our face and we start to question our goals and where we should be in life. 

I think many of us are now trying to capture the moments or create them on social media, instead of living the moment. When my closest friends and I get together, we always forget to take pictures. We didn't realize it until the moment was over and it was time for me to get back on the plane. Without this blog, I wouldn't have captured some great moments I have had this year. It is still a struggle for me to live the moment and capture it. 

Don't let others or the tricks of the mind stop you from living the life you want to live.

 If you left the earth today, would you be happy? What memories did you leave for others to hold on to? What would people say about you in your eulogy?  

You don't have to be rich to enjoy life; the best things in life are free! Stay Positive and seize the moment...Carpe Diem!


  1. Great post. I was surprised a few years ago when I posted on facebook that I was too busy actually living my life to have time to "live" my life on facebook. What surprised me was the number of folks who "liked" the post. social media can make you feel like you are missing out on life, its such a false construct. I swear, if it wasn't for my blog I would have no social media presence and I would prefer it that way.

    1. Yes, I definitely agree, if it wasn't for my blogging, then I wouldn't be so involved with social media. People need to remember to put the phone/computer down and start living more. Stop doing things for likes and others. It is similar to high school and we can't live like that forever.
