Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Venice Beach x Starry Night

Halloween was lit for me this year. I don’t dress up anymore, but I had a lot of fun with the boys and some friends. Bought a silver tin foil wig and dipped out to California. My grandpa’s birthday is on Halloween, so we had a lot to celebrate. 

I thought trick or treating in the Cali suburbs was going to be better, but it was a bit weak. The houses in my neighborhood in Arizona give out king sized bars and a lot of variety. This neighborhood handed out small trinkets and craisans, which I took and ate by the way.

The next day I went to Venice Beach to chill with the kids and my nephew. I brought my camera to take a few shots of the street art, but left my memory card at home. Since the iPhone is supposed to be the best, I put it to the test with my boys behind the lens. 

They actually turned out pretty well and only ten tries. I am trying to get used to this whole sharing my children thing on here, so I didn’t blur their face this time. 

I swear I don't ask them to pose or do anything more than what they do everyday. They are cool as hell and give me major sqaud goals.

This is what it looks like behind every shoot I do anyway. They are my best friends and funny as hell. If you follow me on snap chat, then you already know.

I wore this big ass hat because my hair is having a moment and I didn’t have time to figure out anything else. It doesn’t look too bad with the look though. I did get into the water a bit and my pants are sandy as hell, worth it! 

Anyway, Venice Beach is probably my second favorite in California. Lots of fried food, entertainment, art, and Mary Jane. It is a bit dirty as far as the beach itself, but it is perfect for a chill and drinking day. 

I went to a pumpkin patch earlier in the day, then headed to the beach in boots. 

There is so much damn art around Venice Beach, its too much. I will make it a goal to go back just to capture as much of it as I can. Don't forget to add my on snap chat @justmariklo.

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