Thursday, November 19, 2015

Motto x Collard Shirt

 I just came back from Chicago and I want to just say plans and black people don't mix. I love my friends, but damn. I wasn't able to do anything I wanted to do or take many pics, but seeing them was worth it.

I just need to plan a trip to go without telling anyone until I check everything off my list first. I ended up even cutting the trip short. I figured an extra day to be at home and getting rest, was worth me cutting down the seconds before I could be home again.

Do you ever travel somewhere and wish you could just sleep in your own bed? Then snap back into your vacation without having to actually travel? I swear I feel like that almost every time I travel. I damn near wanted to rent a car and drive home, just to be back in my own bed lol.

 I over exaggerate I know.

Anyway, I do have pics and videos to share of my trip. I thought I would have an abundance of photos to share, but unfortunately it is very few. I didn't make it to the museums or favorite places to eat. Typing this is even making me mad lol.

I don't want to turn this into a negative post, so here are a few of my favorite moments. A lot of the moments are from Snap Chat. I apologize in advanced for the photo quality. I will upload them tomorrow.

On a good note, I had two Patti Pies waiting for me at home.

I wasn't able to wear this look out there, but I was able to capture it before I left. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I love your boots!!!!!! I've always wanted boots like that, plus I like how you matched them with the jacket
