Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tie Dye x Fringe

 Hi all. I am still here pushing through. I appreciate you guys still sticking around with my lack of post. I promise once this baby drops, things will be back and better than ever. I just don't want to put out bullshit content to fill in holes. I would rather post when I find the right look and content. 


I actually took this photo back in the beginning of March, but held on to it. I went to the mall the other day to find looks and didn't find a damn thing. Maybe I am just too picky, but every single store had the same trend. It is becoming so daunting.

I haven't hit up any thrift stores since the belly has been growing. Have any of you been feeling the same way? Coachella polyester vibes and lace up body suits?

I did stumble across this dope fringe midi dress at Marshalls for $12. I live in it!

I plan to alter it once I drop this load. I am finding more and more cute things in Marshall's lately. My baby shower is coming up, hopefully I can find something soon in-between my naps. If you have any suggestions, let me know. 

Talk to you guys soon.